Book a DLS/Makerspace equipment Book a Digital Specialist/Makerspace Equipment This form is for certified makerspace members to book a 1-on-1 appointment with our Digital Literacy Specialist or to use our makerspace equipment! "*" indicates required fields Haven't completed your online certification yet? Complete it here before proceeding: would like to book...* a 1-on-1 appointment with a Digital Literacy Specialist (required for all new makerspace members). time to use the makerspace equipment independently (must have completed a 1-on-1 appointment). Choose the branch you would like to visit.* Aaniin Library Angus Glen Library Cornell Library Markham Village Library Thornhill Community Library Choose the equipment you would like to use/learn at Aaniin Library.*3D PrinterCricut - Digital Die-Cut MachineDigital Embroidery MachineHeat Press - CricutLaser Engraver - Epilog Helix Laser Cutter/EngraverSewing MachineChoose the equipment you would like to use/learn at Angus Glen Library.*3D PrinterCNC Mill - Nomad 883Cricut - Digital Die-Cut MachineHeat Press - Red ClamLaser Engraver - GlowforgeVinyl Cutter - Graphtec CE-6000-60Choose the equipment you would like to use/learn at Cornell Library.*3D PrinterCricut - Digital Die-Cut MachineHeat Press - CricutMug Press - CricutSublimation Printer - SawgrassChoose the equipment you would like to use/learn at Markham Village Library.*3D PrinterCricut - Digital Die-Cut MachineVirtual Reality StationVideo Game Station (Wii, PS4)Choose the equipment you would like to use/learn at Thornhill Community Library.*3D PrinterCricut - Digital Die-Cut MachineDigitization EquipmentHeat Press - CricutPlease indicate all days/times you are available to visit Aaniin Library for your 1-on-1 appointment:*(Please wait for confirmation from staff for the specific time and date for your appointment) Monday - 10 AM Monday - 2 PM Wednesday - 6 PM Thursday - 2 PM Thursday - 6 PM Friday - 11 AM Friday - 3 PM Saturday - 10 AM Saturday - 2 PM Please indicate all days/times you are available to visit Angus Glen Library for your 1-on-1 appointment:*(Please wait for confirmation from staff for the specific time and date for your appointment) Monday - 10-11 AM Monday - 1:30-3:30 PM Tuesday - 1:30-3:30 PM Tuesday - 6:00-7:00 PM Wednesday - 6:00-7:00 PM Friday - 10:15-11 AM Friday - 1:30-3:30 PM Saturday - 10-11 AM Saturday - 1:30-3:30 PM Please indicate all days/times you are available to visit Cornell Library for your 1-on-1 appointment:*(Please wait for confirmation from staff for the specific time and date for your appointment) Tuesday - 10-11 AM Tuesday - 2-3 PM Wednesday - 3-4 PM Wednesday - 7-8 PM Thursday - 4-5 PM Thursday - 6-7 PM Friday - 11 AM - 12 PM Friday - 3-4 PM Saturday - 10-11 AM Saturday - 2:30-3:30 PM Please indicate all days/times you are available to visit Markham Village Library for your 1-on-1 appointment:*(Please wait for confirmation from staff for the specific time and date for your appointment) Monday - 10 AM Monday - 2 PM Tuesday - 10 AM Tuesday - 2 PM Wednesday - 10 AM Wednesday - 2 PM Thursday - 10 AM Thursday - 2 PM Friday - 10 AM Friday - 2 PM Saturday - 10 AM Saturday - 2 PM Please indicate all days/times you are available to visit Thornhill Community Library for your 1-on-1 appointment:*(Please wait for confirmation from staff for the specific time and date for your appointment) Monday - 10 AM Monday - 2 PM Tuesday - 10 AM Tuesday - 2 PM Wednesday - 6 PM Thursday - 2 PM Thursday - 6 PM Friday - 11 AM Friday - 3 PM Saturday - 10 AM Saturday - 2 PM I would like to book the equipment for independent use on a:*(Please wait for confirmation from staff for the specific time and date for your booking) Sunday (2-4 PM) Monday (10 AM - 8 PM) Tuesday (10 AM - 8 PM) Wednesday (10 AM - 8 PM) Thursday (10 AM - 8 PM) Friday (10 AM - 5 PM) Saturday ( 10 AM - 4 PM) I would like to book the equipment for independent use at Angus Glen on a:*(Please wait for confirmation from staff for the specific time and date for your booking) Sunday (1:30-3:30 PM) Monday (10 AM - 7:30 PM) Tuesday (10 AM - 7:30 PM) Wednesday (10 AM - 7:30 PM) Thursday (10 AM - 7:30 PM) Friday (10 AM - 4:30 PM) Saturday ( 10 AM - 3:30 PM) Name* First Last Email* Phone*Library Card NumberPlease provide details to your project! This will help staff customize your 1-on-1 appointment.Please provide details to your project and the estimated duration required.Questions/CommentsAre you interested in purchasing materials for your project from the library?Find out more about the materials and prices on our website. Yes No CAPTCHANameThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. If you have not received an email from us after 5 business days, please check your junk/spam folder. The email will be from "Markham Public Library".