Older Adults

Older Adults


Heart and Stroke Month

Check out these tips on keeping your heart healthy through a healthy lifestyle.



The Centre for Equitable Library Access (CELA) is Canada's largest collection of alternative format books and online resources.  It offers collections for people who have trouble reading print because of a vision, physical, or learning disability. CELA provides collections for all ages including described movies, books, newspapers and magazines in audio, eText, daisy reader,  braille and digital formats.  Access is offered by direct download or delivery to your home by mail.

Dementia Care Kits

When your loved one is diagnosed with dementia, it can be a life changing event for you. Taking care of someone with dementia can be challenging at many times as they experiences a decline in cognitive ability and memory.  This is why MPL has added a collection of Dementia Care Kits which are designed to stimulate the brain for those with dementia. Each kit comes with activities such as books, games, DVDs or puzzles to help you engage your loved ones while helping them to exercise their brain and retain their skills.


MPL has more than 20 kits and each kit can be checked out for 6 weeks at a time. Check out what kits are available now.

Read, Listen & Watch

Need help to find some good books to read or looking for some music to listen to while you go for a walk? We've got you covered. We even have movies and documentaries you can stream at home.

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Explore More

Award-Winning Books of 2024

Discover the year's most celebrated books.

Valentine's Day for Adults

February 14th is Valentine's Day! Celebrate the day with library materials about love and romance.

Cozy Japanese and Korean Fiction

Discover the charm of cozy Japanese and Korean reads with our handpicked book list, filled with heartwarming tales and serene escapes.

Large Print, Biographies &Audiobook

Like to read large prints or prefer to listen to audiobooks? We've got a great collection for you to explore.

Spotlight On: Digital Resources

Want to learn how to use ZOOM, social media or other technologies? We have a number of great digital resources that will help you get more comfortable with technology.

Tech Boomers

Learn how to use popular and trusted websites and Internet-based applications.


Blogs to Read

Did you know we have a blog written by MPL's staff? Our blog covers many different topics that will be of interest to you.


Helpful Programs and Services for Seniors!

To celebrate Seniors Month, here are some resources and programs that you and your older loved ones can take advantage of!

The Economic Impacts of Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine

This blog will discuss some of the many ways in which the Ukraine and Russia conflict are affecting the average Canadian.

Get Ready to Garden!

Our top tips to get ready for the spring and summer garden season from spring cleaning the shed, getting the soil ready, and more!

How-To Videos

Not sure how to use the online catalogue? Want to find out how to download eBooks or access our digital magazines? We've got some how-to videos to show you how to do that and more.

How to Place Holds
How to use Consumer Reports
How to use Pressreader
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