Ontario Public Library Week 2021

We’re celebrating Ontario Public Library Week! Join us as we celebrate our role in our community with special events and programming.

Upcoming Programs


Design a bookmark contest

In celebration of Canadian Public Library Month and Ontario Public Library Week, MPL is hosting a Bookmark Contest. Do you have what it takes to become the MPL bookmark designer? Submit your creation for a chance to win. We will print your designs and make them available for the community at the branches and on our website. Contest is open to children and teens from JK to G12. Submission will be accepted from October 12 to 31, 2021.


View our eBirthday Card

This year MPL celebrates our 50th birthday! See the thoughtful messages and well wishes we received so far.

Reading Lists

Celebrate Ontario Public Library Week by reading some fun books set in libraries, books for children about libraries and books written by Markham authors.

Love the Library and Reading

October is Canadian Library Month! Celebrate by reading these great picture books about libraries and reading!

I Love Books!

Every October we celebrate Ontario Public Library Week. Here are some books for kids about libraries and reading.

Awesome Books to Celebrate Ontario Public Library Week

Every October we celebrate Ontario Public Library Week. Here are some awesome books for teens and adults that are about libraries...

Books about Libraries

Celebrate Ontario Public Library Week with us by reading some great books that are set in the library!
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