Summer Reading Club 2025

TD Summer Reading Club is Canada's biggest, bilingual summer reading program for kids of all ages, all interests, and all abilities.

Get ready for TD Summer Reading Club 2025: Around the World! We are looking forward to another epic summer with exciting reading challenges, fun library programs and awesome prizes. Stay tuned for more info coming soon.


No related upcoming events.


How to Participate  in the Summer Reading Club

1. Download the Beanstack app (and search for Markham Public Library) or visit, opens a new window

2. Register for all readers in your family

3. Track minutes and activities using the app to collect virtual badges and be entered into a draw for a weekly prize.


Recommended Reads

Need help to find some good books to read or eAudiobooks to listen to? Check out our staff picks here.

Recommended Reads

Summer Reading Club: Outer Space: (0-5 years)

The moon, the sun, planets, and outer space. There is so much to explore in these fiction books for children (0-5 years)

Summer Reads for Kids!

Perfect read-aloud, read-together, read-alone books for summer days!

Online Resources for Kids

Looking for free online learning resources for kids? From language learning to craft projects, world book to research help, we have a variety of great resources just for kids.

Online Resources

Activity Cards

Activity Corner

Thousands of projects suitable for the classroom and library. Find activity instructions that relate to a specific holiday theme and more.
Family reading

OverDrive Kids

OverDrive Kids eReading room is a separate site to provide a safe and easy browsing experience just for kids.
Puzzle pieces

World Book Kids

Offers simple navigation, easy-to-understand articles, rich media, and hundreds of interactive games, activities, and teaching materials

Fiero Code

Fiero Code is an online platform where kids (ages 8-18) can learn computer programming skills in a self-paced format, incorporating ...

Notebooks & Stickers

You can pick up a FREE TD Summer Reading Club notebook with stickers for your child as an additional fun resource from the TDSRC. 

Accessibility Considerations

For children who cannot use print due to visual, learning or physical disabilities and wish to enjoy the Summer Reading Club, some of our activities and worksheets contain some large font wherever possible so you can pick what is most suitable for your child

We also have support for those families who need accessible formats for their children. 

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