Read an eBook Day!

 September 18 is Read an eBook Day! Libraries have celebrated this day since 2014.

Why Read an Ebook Day Matters

Read an Ebook Day has served as a reminder of the many benefits that digital reading offers. Digital reading has become a vital part of our lives in recent years. Whether you're a seasoned pro, familiar with all of Libby's tips and tricks, a parent showing your child the wonder of books, or anyone in between. In an era where technology is woven into every aspect of our lives, ebooks provide a unique way to access and enjoy literature at any time and from anywhere. The day is dedicated to recognizing how digital formats enhance our reading experience, making it easier than ever to indulge in our favorite books or discover new ones.

The Convenience of Digital Reading

One of the most significant advantages of eBooks is their convenience. With a few taps on your device, you can instantly borrow books from the Markham Public Library through the catalogue. This convenience means you can carry an entire library in your pocket, whether you’re commuting, traveling, or just relaxing at home. Digital reading platforms like Hoopla or Overdrive, offer a vast selection of titles that cater to every interest and age group.

Use this day to appreciate the round-the-clock access to thousands of library books. You can borrow a cherished favorite or explore something entirely new and experience the delight of digital reading. eBooks allow you to carry your favorite stories and authors with you wherever you go.

How to celebrate Read an eBook Day:

  • Visit the Library website or in person to find out how to borrow eBooks. Here is a video about how to download an eBook from MPL's website:

  • Explore and borrow the large variety of popular books on our library catalogue, Overdrive and Hoopla for free. For more information about how to access or download books please click here or go to your local branch for assistance. 
  • Download Libby. Libby is the app for reading eBooks and listening to audiobooks from Overdrive, which makes borrowing eBooks even easier!

Here is a list of suggested eBooks:

Read an eBook Day

List created by MPL_Selena

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