OverDrive & Libby Holds Limit Change

Starting March 31, 2025, the maximum number of holds you can place in OverDrive / Libby will change to 15.  This will help reduce waiting times and let you get items faster.

Don't worry -- you will keep all your current holds however, you will not be able to place new holds until your total is within the new limit.
These changes apply to our Overdrive / Libby collection only. All other borrowing limits remain the same.

Why is MPL reducing the holds limit on Overdrive and Libby?

Changing the holds limit will help reduce wait times and improve access to our digital collection. Demand for eBooks and eAudiobooks continues to rise each year. Last year more than 1,000,000 items were borrowed from our Overdrive / Libby collections. Since 2019, borrowing of the Overdrive collection has increased 131%. The number of holds placed has also increased, impacting wait times.

What if I currently have more than 15 holds?
You will not lose any of your existing holds, but you will not be able to place new holds until you have less than 15.

How can I keep track of the books I want to read without placing a hold?
You can use tags in the Libby app to create personalized lists of books you want to read. For example, tags can be used to make lists of books in different genres.

If you are using the OverDrive website, you can add items you want to read to your wish list which is also visible in Libby.
If you need help with these features our staff will be happy to help you.

Can the library buy more copies of books to reduce the wait times?
The price of digital titles is significantly higher compared to print books. Libraries pay about 3 to 5 times more for an eBook or eAudiobook than we do for the print copy. Publishers also use various licensing models for selling eBooks to libraries, licensing the title for a set amount of time or number of checkouts. For this reason, buying more copies is not a sustainable way to reduce wait times.

Can I do anything else to reduce wait times?

  • Use Libby tags or OverDrive wish lists to keep track of books you don’t plan to read right away instead of placing holds. In the catalogue use the “For Later” function
  • Cancel your hold if you borrow a Boomerang title in Libby or a physical copy of the book.
  • Choose to borrow for 7, 14 or 21 days based on your personal reading habits
  • Return books when you are done rather than letting loans expire.
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