How to Be a 2SLGBTQ+ Ally

Each year, the beginning of June marks the start of Pride Month — a time to celebrate 2SLGBTQ+ voices and continue advocating for Queer rights. While commemorating Pride Month, it is also important to reflect on how you can continue to be an ally throughout the year. 2SLGBTQ+ allyship means actively supporting and advocating for the rights and well-being of individuals who are a part of the community. Here are some ways that you can continue to be an ally all year long:

Never Stop Learning

Being an ally means taking the time to learn about 2SLGBTQ+ identities, history, and current issues. Checkout Queer Events' guide to Canadian Queer History and our Pride History reading list. 

Use Inclusive and Affirming Language

Being an ally means using affirming language, avoiding assumptions about one's sexual orientation or gender identity, and respecting people's pronouns and preferred names. Checkout Queer Events' comprehensive guide to Queer Identities and Egale's Pronoun Usage Guide. For additional information, refer to Egale's Do's and Don'ts for Inclusive and Affirming Language

Speak Up

Being an ally means standing up against discrimination and using your voice to advocate for 2SLGBTQ+ rights. This can involve calling out homophobic or transphobic comments, signing petitions, attending protests, and donating to 2SLGBTQ+ organizations. A simple way to start is by addressing harmful behaviour and language in your immediate circle. 

Show Up

Being an ally means physically showing up. This can include shopping at 2SLGBTQ+ owned businesses and attending community events (like the annual York Pride Parade). For businesses and services, checkout the Pink Pages Directory. 

Spread Kindness

Most importantly, allyship means continuing to be kind and respectful of others. When you model kindness, you inspire others around you to do the same. 

Remember that being an ally is about more than just showing support during Pride Month. It's an ongoing commitment to fighting for equality for all members of the 2SLGBTQ+ community. It requires ongoing education, advocacy, and support to make a positive impact.

Read the Rainbow!

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The History of Pride

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