Online Resources

Online Resources

Enjoy free access to eBooks, emagazines, audiobooks, music, streaming video, online research and more when you log in with your library card!

Why You Should Try Audiobooks

Over the last several years, audiobooks have significantly increased in popularity. Give our audiobook collection a try.

eResource highlights

Check out this simple and delicious recipe for Shepherd's Pie, a classic comfort food in Irish cuisine.
Item 1 of 5

Find research articles across many databases using our "Articles &  Research" search tool. You will be able to refine your search results by selecting the terms and databases you wish to include in your search.

View our tutorials for help using our Online Resources and for developing basic tech skills. Tutorials provides training for social media, productivity tools, and much more.

New eBooks, eAudiobooks and eVideos

Online Learning

LearningExpress Library Canada

Grades 4–8 Educator Resources Skill-building lessons and practice for guiding young learners.

Universalis Junior

Looking to boost your French skills? Check out Universalis Junior encyclopedia for children and young adults to help with your studies.


Use a computer to do almost anything! Tackle technology at your own pace and gain the confidence you need to succeed.

Family Fun Month

Spending quality family bonding time can bring lasting memories. Try taking a crafting activity as a family to enjoy each other’s company.

Get a Library Card

Get access to all of the great online resources that the library has to offer!

For Kids

Check out the great online resources that the library has available for the younger members of the family.

Family reading

OverDrive Kids

OverDrive Kids eReading room is a separate site to provide a safe and easy browsing experience just for kids.
Family at home using the library

Hoopla - Kids

hoopla is a digital media service offering movies, music, comics, eBooks, eAudiobooks and TV shows to stream...
Kanopy Kids - 890 x 445

Kanopy Kids

Kanopy Kids is a diverse collection of educational and entertaining content that range across movies, TV series, animated storybooks...

For Teens

Check out the great online resources that the library has available for teens.


Teen Health and Wellness

Information for teens on topics including diseases & conditions; drugs & alcohol; nutrition & fitness; and sexual health.

Teen Book Cloud

TeenBookCloud is an online database of eBooks and educator resources perfect for your middle school, high school, or public library
Road signs - Driver's Education Program

Get ready for your G1 test with these practice tests based on the Ontario Driver’s Handbook.

Job and Career Resources

Teen learning

LearningExpress Library Canada

For primary grade to adult learners, each Learning Center offers specialized practice tests, exercises, skill-building courses...
Learning Hub

Learning Hub

The Learning HUB offers online skills upgrading courses that can improve reading, writing, math, and computer skills to help you prepare...
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