Book Club Kits

Book Club Guidelines
Sharing a book-reading experience can be inspiring, stimulating and sometimes challenging when there’s a diversity of opinions about topics or themes of the book. Our objective is to offer a welcoming and inclusive space where we can meet to discuss books in an environment where all opinions are respected, new friendships are made and existing ones are strengthened. To create a positive experience we ask all participants to follow these guidelines:
- Success depends on participation – collectively we should share ideas, ask questions, and engage others in conversation.
- Respectfully listen and hold space for others.
- Listen to understand, share your unique perspective, and speak honestly.
- Be positive, non-judgmental and open to new ideas.
- Critique ideas, not people. Remember to practice non-defensiveness during the discussion.
- Respect each other’s’ thinking and value their contributions. Everything happens through courageous conversations.
Thinking of starting a book club?
These books in our collectionopens a new window will help you get started with organizing and running your book club. We also suggest
Readinggroupchoices.comopens a new window for advice, tips and reading recommendations. Novelist is an excellent online resource for book discussion guides.
Your book club can borrow Book Club Kitsopens a new window with multiple copies of one title so that everyone in your club has a copy of the book.