Markham Reads – Cookbook Submissions


Markham Reads Cookbook

Do you enjoy cooking? This summer MPL is celebrating its 11th Annual Markham Reads event with the community all reading the same title Have You Eaten Yet? by author Cheuk Kwan.  The book tells stories from Chinese restaurants around the world, an intrepid travelogue that charts a living atlas of the global Chinese migration, revealing the synergies of politics, culture and family.

As part of this celebration we will be putting together a cook book of recipes submitted by Markham residents. Submit your favourite personal and original rice or noodle recipe for a chance to have them published in our digital cook book in the fall. 

Here are some guidelines when you submit your recipe:

  • Upload your recipe as a PDF file
  • List out ingredients and step by step instructions
  • Upload a photo of your dish (if available)
  • Make sure recipe is original
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