Online Resources
EBSCOhost eBook Collection eBooks
Faded Page eBooks
Faded Page is an archive of eBooks that are provided completely free to everyone.
Gale eBooks eBooks
A wealth of encyclopedias and specialized reference sources for research on virtually every subject. Gale eBooks has ReadSpeaker technology (text-to-speech) allowing text to be read aloud to users and downloaded in MP3 format.
hoopla Movies & TV Music
hoopla is a digital media service offering movies, music, comics, eBooks, eAudiobooks and TV shows to stream in your web browser or enjoy offline on your mobile device. The content is always available without waitlists. Users are provided with 10 borrow credits monthly and reset at the start of every calendar month. Unused credits do not carry forward to the next month. Each BingePass requires 1 borrow credit.
OverDrive eAudiobooks eBooks Movies & TV
A downloadable collection of audiobooks, eBooks, and eMagazines, including popular and classic fiction and non-fiction.
View tutorial, opens a new window
Libby Apps: Google Play, opens a new window, App Store, opens a new window, Windows Store, opens a new window
As well as the thousands of titles available at Markham Public Library, you can also use your library card to borrow from these partner libraries:
Find out more in the Accessing Partner libraries (Richmond Hill Public Library & Vaughan Public Library) on OverDrive/Libby guide [PDF], opens a new window
OverDrive Kids eReading room eAudiobooks eBooks
OverDrive Kids eReading room is a separate site to provide a safe and easy browsing experience just for kids. This appealing and user-friendly page contains the library’s digital collection such as eBooks, eAudiobooks, and videos. Browsing can be done by subject, reading level or interest level.
Teen Book Cloud eBooks
An online database of eBooks and educator resources perfect for middle school and high school students. It offers a robust selection of Graphic Novels, Enhanced Novels, eBooks, classic literature, National Geographic videos, educator resources, and audiobooks.
Tumble AudioBookCloud eAudiobooks
TumbleBook Library eBooks
Animated, talking versions of your favourite picture books. In addition to books, this interactive site includes games, puzzles and more!