Winter Programs

Winter Programs

Markham Public Library's in person and virtual programs are a great way to learn something new this winter. Explore coding, develop public speaking skills or learn French. It's easy for you to find something you or your child will like.


BookFlix is a digital resource that provides pairings of animated storybooks with related non-fiction e-book titles targeting children...
No related upcoming events.

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Aaniin Library

Angus Glen

Cornell Library

Not sure what to read?

Markham Village Library

Milliken Mills Library


Wild Fires

Explore our collection of books that teach kids about wildfires, their impact on the environment, and the heroes who fight them.


Wild Fires

Explore our collection of books that teach kids about wildfires, their impact on the environment, and the heroes who fight them.

Thornhill C.C. Library


Wild Fires

Explore our collection of books that teach kids about wildfires, their impact on the environment, and the heroes who fight them.


Wild Fires

Explore our collection of books that teach kids about wildfires, their impact on the environment, and the heroes who fight them.

Unionville Library


Wild Fires

Explore our collection of books that teach kids about wildfires, their impact on the environment, and the heroes who fight them.


Wild Fires

Explore our collection of books that teach kids about wildfires, their impact on the environment, and the heroes who fight them.


Wild Fires

Explore our collection of books that teach kids about wildfires, their impact on the environment, and the heroes who fight them.


Wild Fires

Explore our collection of books that teach kids about wildfires, their impact on the environment, and the heroes who fight them.

Need One On One Virtual Help?

MPL Virtual Programs


Wild Fires

Explore our collection of books that teach kids about wildfires, their impact on the environment, and the heroes who fight them.


Wild Fires

Explore our collection of books that teach kids about wildfires, their impact on the environment, and the heroes who fight them.


Wild Fires

Explore our collection of books that teach kids about wildfires, their impact on the environment, and the heroes who fight them.

Digital Resources
for Kids

Our special collections featured curated content specific to local history, donated archives, and beyond.

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