Inside the World of an Influencer: A Chat With @evie.officially

Ever wondered what it's really like to be an Influencer? Step into the world of Evie Liu, @evie.officially, a Toronto-based content creator whose journey to influencing and social media prowess is nothing short of inspiring.

In this exclusive interview, we uncover the highs, lows, and everything in between as Evie shares how she got started, the hurdles she's overcome, and her top tips for those looking to follow in her footsteps.

Whether you want to get started as an influencer, you’re a small business owner hoping to collaborate with influencers, or you’re simply curious about the inner workings of this fast-paced industry, this conversation is like sitting down with a friend for a cup of coffee and some honest advice.

So go ahead and sit back, enjoy, and don’t forget to register for her upcoming programs at Markham Public Library this Spring & Summer!

Welcome to the blog, Evie:

Can you share a bit about your journey to becoming an influencer? What inspired you?

"I actually started on Instagram as a food blogger because I LOVE food and eating out and finding new restaurants in the city. (I still do 🙂)

I would take pictures of all the food that I enjoyed and somehow, people found my food page and started following me. The rest was history." 

Have you faced challenges along your Influencer journey, and if so what kept you going and how did you overcome those challenges?

"Two of the biggest challenges I have faced are FOMO (fear of missing out) and dealing with imposter syndrome. 

As a content creator, we are constantly invited to fun events. However, saying yes to everything will easily lead to burnouts. I’ve set my boundaries to only committing to a realistic number of events per month while still reserving time and energy for my friends, family, and my partner. With that said, it’s hard not to feel FOMO when you see your friends sharing about all these fun events that you feel like you missed out on. For me, it’s all about balancing a full-time job, my content creation journey, and my social life. 

Regarding the challenge of imposter syndrome, I used to (and sometimes still do) feel like I do not deserve my success and opportunities. When an all-inclusive resort in Cancun invited me to stay there for a week, I felt like they made a mistake because I don't feel like I'm good enough to land such an amazing opportunity. I have to constantly remind myself that I have worked VERY hard and spent thousands of hours taking photos, editing videos, building and engaging with my awesome audience and that I do deserve these amazing opportunities. It’s easy to self-doubt and feel like I don’t deserve working with some of my dream brands and getting anxious if the collaboration post doesn’t perform well. Sometimes it takes giving yourself a pat on the back to remind yourself how far you’ve come."

How do you decide what content to create and share with your audience?

"If you search online, people love saying “niche down” and pick only one subject to focus on when creating content. For me, I like doing a lot of different things and maybe that’s what’s setting me apart from the “specialists”. As a generalist, I love sharing about new restaurants I found, new activities to do in the city, new skincare/makeup favorites, and sometimes silly videos (those tend to perform the best). I don’t focus too much on trying to become “viral”, rather, I focus on creating content that I personally enjoy and hopefully my audience enjoys as well."

What has been some of your most popular content?

"Instagram and TikTok’s algorithm will always be a mystery to me. Sometimes I put in blood sweat and tears, and the video gets 1000 views, whereas a video that took 20 seconds to film reaches 30k views. I find that my audience generally enjoys my recommendations of food and activities to do in Toronto, as well as travel tips." 

What are some common misconceptions people have about being an influencer?

"People often assume that I’m a full-time influencer and are surprised when I tell them I have a 9-5 that I genuinely enjoy. There seems to be this push to “quit your 9-5” and become a full-time influencer but the influencer lifestyle isn’t all glam. There could be a lot of uncertainties and instability when it comes to your income. People think that all we do is take a picture or a video, but may not see the hours spent behind the scenes editing the video, recording a voice-over, designing stories in Canva, engaging with the audience and replying to their messages, and so much more." 

Do you have any tips for someone interested in becoming an influencer in 2024?

"My biggest tip is JUST DO IT! I’ve had so many people tell me that they want to become an influencer but (insert 100000 reasons why they didn’t start yet). 

Don’t let your fear of being judged or fear that the market is “too saturated” stop you from trying this out. Stop worrying about getting the best camera or perfecting your first video. JUST POST IT! 

The best way to learn is from trial and error." 

How can small businesses connect with Influencers to further their customer/marketing reach?

"The Influencer Marketing Industry is expected to reach $24 Billion by the End of 2024.  Nielsen’s Consumer Trust Index reports that 92% of consumers trust influencer marketing over traditional advertising. Not only that, influencer marketing content delivers 11X better ROI (return on investment) than other more traditional marketing tactics.

If you have a small business, influencer marketing is a great way to tap into your target audience without spending a huge amount of budget on ad creation, studio rental, hiring a model, a photographer, etc. 

Influencers tend to have a strong connection with their audience, who will trust the influencer’s recommendations. Businesses work with influencers to tap into their unique audience to reach their target demographics and to increase brand awareness on social media. I help small businesses run influencer campaigns and found that there had been wildly successful results and a significant increase in customers and sales."

What can Markham Public Library customers look forward to at your upcoming workshops?

"At my Influencer 101 Workshop on May 25, 2024, I’ll go in depth on the topic of how to start as an influencer, how to grow your following, and how to work with brands and land paid collaborations. 

At my Social Media Marketing for Businesses Workshop on June 8, 2024, I’ll cover topics on how to create content on social media and how to grow your customer base. I’ll also cover topics on how to work with influencers as a way to reach your target demographics and increase brand awareness."

Where can customers find out more about your work and connect with you?

You can find me on Instagram: @evie.officially and TikTok: @evieofficially. I’m also available via email:

A huge thanks to Evie for sharing her experience and tips with us.

We look forward to seeing you at her upcoming workshops, where you can can take your learning to the next level! 

To stay up to date on all our programs and events, find us on social media: @markhamlibrary 

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